Author’s Note: An earlier version of this post appeared on the author’s blog “It’s Between Me and God”, written for a wider audience. This version has been tailored specifically for a female, General Church audience.
This is my story. Well, a small piece of it, anyway. It’s not a conversation about the secular legal and political issues surrounding public acceptance of homosexuality, or the legalization of same-sex marriage. It’s also not a theological essay. I’ll state my conclusions, but save for another post how I arrived at those conclusions. Right now, this is just a reflection on the application of those conclusions in my life.
This post also comes with a TMI warning. It’s intimate. It’s personal. Sharing it on my personal blog six months ago was the first time I’ve shared such intimate details of my life with anonymous strangers. At the same time, it’s something that I’ve often discussed ‘in person’ when the topic comes up. If you know me personally and would rather not hear the story of my sexuality, feel free to skip this one. If, however, you want to know my thoughts on homosexuality, and the LGBTQ questions the Church is facing, then you need to know my story. I believe that the hardest questions the Church faces are best addressed face to face, in loving, personal, dialog with people who have names and faces and stories. It’s hard to love someone who is nameless, faceless. It’s why I think God came down to earth. He took a name, a face, so that we could love Him. It’s easy to forget to love first when we are debating an ‘issue’. So I think that the best place for a discussion is with people who we can see, and hear, and love. At the same time, so many of our conversations are happening online. So many important issues are being discussed, and debated on Facebook and in YouTube comments. I have often felt like my voice was missing from the conversation and decided that means its time for me to speak up.
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