As I write this, I have two sleeping babies. Both of my kids have gone down for naps, and for a brief moment (ten minutes? thirty? AN HOUR?) I have two sleeping children and the house is peaceful and quiet. I am both excited and overwhelmed by this time. Most of my brain is yelling: “GO! GO! GO! Get things done! Be productive! Move!” I stand still and my heart pounds, my mind racing, my hands trembling and I am OVERWHELMED by the to-do list – all the things I’m desperate to get done, jobs to finish, projects to start. So often, when I get this moment of peace I don’t use it as a moment of peace. I panic. Rushing around, trying to do ten things at once, inevitably being mid-task when someone wakes up and I wind up hungry, tired, and overwhelmed and another step behind with unfinished tasks behind me, and rested kids in front of me who are ready to go and who want Mama to go with them.
Continue reading Rest in the Season of Babies – I Cannot Do It All