All posts by Eden Lumsden

About Eden Lumsden

Eden is loving wife to Derrick Lumsden and full-time mother to five little men and one little lady. She grew up attending the New Church of Phoenix, went to the GC College, married a priest and was promptly shipped off with him to Africa. They spent 6yrs enjoying the people and culture at the Westville New Church, near Durban, South Africa before returning to the USA in 2014. They currently live in Kempton, Pennsylvania where they dabble in self-sufficiency, homeschool their boys, and scheme of ways to help the Church. Eden finds the True Christian teachings about women and marriage to be particularly profound.

Women’s Sexuality– What the HD Say

Several women have lamented on our blog that, while the Heavenly Doctrines deal extensively with lust in men, there doesn’t seem to be any discussion of lust in women. That’s not quite true. Married Love 502-503 are the only numbers I’m aware of that deal with sexuality in women–but I find them bursting with thought-provoking truths:

502. The state of a virgin or untouched woman before marriage and after marriage. What the state of a virgin is before she has been instructed in the various aspects of the nuptial torch has been disclosed to me by wives in the spiritual world, by those there who departed from the natural world in their infancy and were raised in heaven.
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The Muslim Religion — What the HD Say

The Muslim religion has been much on my mind lately. The Heavenly Doctrines refer to the “Muhammadans” in several places. The following is an excerpt from Married Love:

342. (9) The Muslim heaven exists outside the Christian heaven and is divided into two heavens, a lower and a higher; and only those Muslims are raised up into their higher heaven who renounce concubines, live with one wife, and acknowledge our Lord as equal to God the Father, who has given Him dominion over heaven and earth. Before we say anything about this specifically, it is important that we premise something about the Lord’s Divine providence respecting the rise of the Muslim religion.
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That Damning Independence

My online dictionary tells me “independent” means “not influenced or controlled by others in matters of opinions, conduct, etc..” and “not dependent or contingent on something else for existence, operation, etc”. Even to the most extreme individualist, the idea of a world full of textbook independents must look scary– everyone unconnected and self-focused– that would really be Hell. Which is why I picked my title– a steadfast devotion to ourselves is a sure road down to Hades.

So why does modern Western culture hold up independence as such a high virtue? I can’t identify a single point of origin, I blame everyone from Aristotle to faith-alone advocates to the inventor of the printing press.

Whatever the cause, I find the results of our independence obsession both frustrating and frightening.
Continue reading That Damning Independence

The Power of Dependency

The New Christianity has some very new ideas. Some of these concepts are so profound that they contradict both western “progressive” values as well as our “traditional” perspectives. The challenge for us is to stand outside the cultural boxes we exist in, and take a look at our world as God describes it.

The Heavenly Doctrines paint a truly unique picture of what it means to be a woman and what it means to be a man and how these two different creatures are designed to fit together. I can find no similar perspectives to this either in the current world cultures or in my studies of history. This makes these particular teachings fascinating and exciting for me, but I have also discovered that the very uniqueness of these teachings can make them confusing to conceptualize. Continue reading The Power of Dependency