In the 1800s, there was a New Church minister named Chauncey Giles, who eventually became one of the New Church leaders in America and who was well-loved by many people. He had discovered the Writings as a young adult, and the whole course of his life was changed for the better. He is probably my favorite New Church author, there is such affection and wisdom in his writing, and he wrote about so many important things. He felt that when he wrote his sermons and papers, he should make them as beautifully written as he possibly could, in honor of the subject matter. Below I am going to share a quote from a sermon he wrote entitled “The Ministry of Flowers.” I have returned to this sermon many times as a source of hope and inspiration. And I like to remember the Lord’s message when I enjoy the beautiful flowers He creates. This sermon is based on a text from Hosea 14 about the Lord descending like dew on Israel and causing growth and blossoming, and on True Christian Religion 392:2 about natural and spiritual flowering.
Continue reading A Hopeful MessageThe changes wrought within us by regeneration are so covered up and concealed by the natural life and the material body that it is difficult to gain a clear and adequate idea of their nature and importance. They are to our spiritual faculties and to our life in the spiritual world as the secret processes that go on in the seed while it is in the ground are to the blossom. In our darkness, doubt, and difficulty of apprehension, the Lord says to us, “I will show you what the effect of my truth upon your spiritual nature will be when you return to me and receive my words into your hearts and lives. Look at this root; see how coarse and rough it is. There is no beauty in it; there is nothing you can discover in it that gives promise or hope of any loveliness of form or purity of color or delicacy of texture. And yet out of earth and rain and heat and light I will create one of the most beautiful forms in nature.”