I’ve been thinking about the concept in the Writings of following truth because of the fact that it’s true and doing good because it is good. Another way to put it is following truth for its own sake or doing good for its own sake. As I go about my days, I regularly notice that my motives are a mixed bag. As often as not, when I contemplate doing something good or following something true, my motives turn out to involve making myself look good or making somebody like me.
I know that noticing my self-centered motivations, disheartening as it can be, is actually a first step towards something better; at least I am noticing my motives (even if after the fact) instead of being completely unaware or even ignoring my motives. And I am grateful that the Lord makes use of such less-than-perfect motivations as He leads us towards something better.
I have recently realized that there’s an inspiring side to that concept from the Writings about following truth for its own sake and doing good for its own sake. How amazing to aim for a place where I will follow truth or do good, not for selfish reasons, but because the Lord has made me aware of goodness and truth in their true colors – they are the most beautiful, innocent, touching and strong forces in the universe (because they come from Him). The real characteristics of actual good and actual truth are inherently inspiring. Goodness and truth are worth choosing for their own quality. I know that’s super obvious in a sense, but I guess I’m seeing it from a different perspective.
Continue reading For It’s Own Sake