Category Archives: Quotes and Reflections

Chaste love for the Opposite Sex

Every few months we like to post a quote from the Word or Heavenly Doctrines and ask our readers how would they apply these words to their lives?

This week we are quoting from Married Love 55.6-7:

[6] Having heard these things, the angels crossly asked the spirits who were standing to the right, towards the south, to speak, and these spirits said, “There is a love between men, also a love between women, and there is the love of a man for a woman and the love of a woman for a man. And these three pairs of loves are completely different from each other. Continue reading Chaste love for the Opposite Sex

The Point of Christmas is Easter

Every December the Christian world focuses in on the innocence, hope and holiness of the Lord’s birth on earth. But of course, His birth is just the beginning; I enjoy viewing the many precious elements of the Christmas story through the lens of the larger picture of just who that little baby was, where He was going and what it all means for me, two-thousand years later:
Continue reading The Point of Christmas is Easter

Something a bit different…

What does it mean to be a woman? What are we essentially? How are we different from men?

This week we are publishing an excerpt on these topics from the book Married Love (aka Conjugial Love) by Emmanuel Swedenborg and asking our readers to share their thoughts in comment form. The more variety of opinions, the more robust the conversation so if these passages strike you in any way, please join the discussion.

Married Love 32

A male is then still a male, and a female still a female. Since a person lives as a person after death, and people are male and female, and since it is one thing to be masculine and another to be feminine, with the two qualities being so different that one cannot be converted into the other, it follows that after death a male still lives as a male and a female still lives as a female, each of them being a spiritual person.
Continue reading Something a bit different…