Some of the first passages of the Bible I memorized and learned as a child were the last chapters of Revelation. For nearly as long as I can remember I have known the words about the “holy city, New Jerusalem… prepared as a bride adorned for her husband” (Revelation 21:3). Even as I memorised it I liked the imagery but didn’t understand the idea.
My dad is a General Church pastor, and I have been raised with the ideas of the New Church. The church organization has significantly affected the trajectory of my life since that is what dictated where my family lived. I am now married to a General Church pastor, so still most of the major life decisions I’m making are directly affected by the church organization. This impact hasn’t always been easy and tidy, and after years of ups and downs I have at times seriously questioned the benefits of a humanly established church organization. Recently I had a few things connect for me about the teachings of the church being the bride and wife that have helped me resolve some of these questions.