I find myself emotionally overwhelmed.
It’s not the first time, but rather than go into the reasons why, I decided to find out what it really means to be emotional and how you then get to the point of overwhelm as well as what to do to let go and free myself from this overwhelm of emotions. So I started out by looking at what ‘Emotions’ and ‘Feelings’ are to help me understand why I become overwhelmed.
Emotions and feelings are words used interchangeably to express more or less the same thing. Feelings or emotions can be defined as how something or someone makes us feel. However, as I have learned over the years, they have some distinct differences.
Emotions are physical and instinctive. Emotions generally prompt the body to react to some kind of stimulus: threats, rewards etc. Emotional reactions to these stimuli are generally the same amongst people although the reaction may vary slightly depending on the individual or the circumstances.
While emotions are associated with bodily reactions to stimuli, feelings are sparked by emotions and coloured by our own personal experiences,beliefs, memories and thoughts linked to that particular emotion. In other words, a feeling is the product of your brain’s perception of an emotion and assigning meaning to it.